Welcome to our third daily recap!

Today the LACNOG Program Committee opened the LACNOG 2012 meeting, inviting Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO, to begin his presentation on "The Open Web Platform and Industry Transformation" via videoconference.

This was followed by two very interesting technical presentations. Russ White of Verisign and Alvaro Retana of Cisco were in charge of the first of these, Filtering Overlapping Routes, while the second one (Dual-stack Firewalling Cookbook – Net-girls' secret recipes for troubleshooting and a healthier life) was presented by two engineers who participate in LACNIC's Women in ICT group, Mariela Rocha of ARIU and Sofía Silva of LACNIC. We look forward to meeting them and hearing them share their experiences at tomorrow's lunch, which will bring together the community of women working in technology in our region (12:30 pm, Florida Room, 3rd floor).

After the morning coffee break, presentations focused on the issue of security. The Routing Security panel was made up by renown specialists from Cisco Systems, Verisign and LACNIC, who stressed that adding Internet routing security is recognized by the community as a major problem and discussed the status of the various technologies currently proposed to solve it. Later, Cristine Hopers of Nic.br made a presentation on Botnet (FIRST Botnet SIG Overview).

Three parallel activities took place in the afternoon. Caio Cezar Bonilha Rodrigues, President of TELEBRAS, gave a presentation on the Brazilian telecommunications company, the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Exchange Point Operators Association (LAC-IX) held a meeting seeking to strengthen regional interconnection, and, finally, the Public Policy Forum opened with the discussion of seven proposals that can be found here: http://www.lacnic.net/en/web/lacnic/politicas.

The night ended with a moving ceremony of awards and tributes to leading figures of the Internet, which have collaborated with Lacnic and the regional community during the past 10 years. Shortly we will launch an announcement with pictures and information on the winners and honorees.

Please remember that the event website is update daily with photos, presentations, videos, and press releases, and that you can participate remotely at the following URL: http://www2.lacnic.net/sp/eventos/lacnicxviii/index.html

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!